Sometimes life takes a
person from where to where. Those days I was a very simple woman, living an
ordinary life. My father earned a livelihood by doing a job on a railway. We
were a happy family. We're six brothers and sisters, four sisters and two
brothers. I'm the oldest of all my siblings. When we were all very young, my
siblings went to school and I was in college. We were living an ordinary and
simple happy life, but one incident changed my whole life. My dad kicked the
bucket in a mishap. It was a very horrendous and painful incident for us. Just
my father was who our guardian was. But it would be right to say he was the
whole universe for us. After his death, no one was there who could feed us so I
had to leave the college and had to take the job. I took a job in a private
school, after school, I began to teach tuitions to children. Those days were
very hard and difficult. I couldn't manage the expenses of the home. My entire
sibling's school fees and other expenses were very high. My school salary was very
low; I couldn't earn a lot of money to feed my siblings. But life was passing
on, then, unfortunately, or fortunately, I don't know what should I say, it was
fortunate or unfortunate, and I met with a boy. He was about 35 years old. He
collided with me in a market. When we collided, our shopping bags were
exchanged. I took it to my house and when I opened it, it was weird; I didn't
understand what it was. It had a bad smell. I realized then my bag got
exchanged with that boy. I felt alas because very important things for my home
were in the bag. I didn't have more money to purchase those things again. Next
salary I could get next month. After two days, I was lonely at home when the
doorbell rang. I wondered who could be at this time. It was morning time, almost
10 or 11 o'clock, and normally at this time, our house is empty because we all
go to our duties, but today I was a little bit ill so I didn't go to school. So
I opened the door and saw the same boy who collided with me the previous day. I
understood he came here to take his shopping bag but I was surprised how he
could get my address. He smiled to see me and said, “did you recognize me, I
came here to get my bag." I said to her, “of course I did, but how did you
get my address?" He smiled and replied; I just searched and got
it." I didn't ask more and didn't try to know more about him because I was
happy if he would take his weird thing and I'll find my important bag. I took
my bag from his hand and brought his bag from inside. He paid thanks and went.
I checked, all my things were in it, I thank God. A week passed normally, and
then he came to my house again. Coincidently I was alone again at that
time. That day I just guessed it was coincident but after that, I
realized he came to my home concisely when I was alone. I opened the door and
asked shockingly, “what are you doing here now? I think there was just a single
bag which I have returned to you."
"I want to tell you
important things, Miss.Aleena." so he knew my name, I figured, absolutely
he should know, because if he reached my home then he must know my name.
"Which type of important things do you want to tell me?"
“Would you please allow
me to enter your home? I'll just take your five minutes."
I thought for a few
moments then allowed him to my house. He had a nice look, clean-shaved, dim
wavy hairs. He looked around and praised my house, "nice
"Thank you, come to
the point. I replied quickly."
"Your house is nice
but is it your house?"
"Sorry, I didn't
understand your meaning".
"I mean
you're not the owner of this house, you're just a tenant. And you didn't pay
your rent for the previous three months; the owner of this house has warned you
that if you do not pay the rent he'll kick you out."
"But how did you
know this?" I wondered.
“It’s not important how
I know; the important is it’s true."
"Yeah it's true, so
you came to tell me this"?
“No, I came to tell you
that it could be yours, but even better.”
“Well, how?”
I offer you a tiny work
from which you can earn a lot of money." He sat on a couch comfortably.
“Which type of work”?
“Right, I tell you. Do
you know what was in the bag that you brought mistakenly in your house”?
“What was”?
“That was a drug”.
“What? I felt the floor
slip away under my foot”.
“Yeah, it was a drug. If
you do a little work for me then you can earn a lot of money”.
I was still shocked now;
I didn't speak for a while.
“How did you even think
I'll do illegal work? Get out of my house”.
“Listen, you don't have
to do anything. The packet will arrive at your home with the address. All you
have to do is pick up the packet and deliver it to the address. It’s so
“But it's
“Illegal for us. Your
work just as a postman. You’re not a buyer, seller, or even a user. You're just
a postman. All you have to do is pick up the item and transfer it to another
place. Believe me; you can earn a lot of money. You can easily come out of all
He was trying to
convince me but I didn't listen to him anymore and told him to leave my house.
He went but left his visiting card saying "you can contact me anytime when
you change your mind." When he went I breathed in harmony. I was still
shocked. After that, I forgot about him and began to be busy with my routine
work. But the next day, the owner of the house arrived, giving us just two days
for packing and leaving the house. I was very worried. Where will we go, we
haven't any other place where we could go. I thought, thought, and thought a
whole day but couldn't find the solution. I didn't tell my siblings anything, I
didn't want to bother them. The next day when they went to school I was alone
at my house, still thinking about the problem. Today is the last day. The next
day we'll have to leave the house. Finally, I grasped a visiting card of that boy;
there was mention of his name, 'Hammad Ansari' with his cell number. I dialed
the number with trembling hands, a bell rang for a while then someone spoke
from another side,
Hello, "Hammad is
“Hello, I'm Aleena”.
“Huh! Aleena! Finally,
you decided”.
“Yeah, but on this
condition, if you'll pay all my house rent today”.
“Alright. Don't worry
I'll pay today”.
“Okay fine. What do I
have to do?”
“Tomorrow, you'll
receive a packet with the address; you’ll just send it to its address”.
"But you can do all
this yourself, why do I have to do this?" I asked surprisingly.
“Because no one will
suspect you. And you also need money. I want to help you”.
“Well, but one favor
please, my siblings shouldn't know this all”.
I disconnected the
phone. My house rent was paid by evening.
The next day I didn't go
to the job, I was hanging tight for it and exactly at 11 o'clock, a doorbell
rang. I opened the door quickly. There was not a single man except a parcel was
laid on my door. Someone left this packet on my door and went. I picked it and
came inside the house. There was a bit receipt on it and mentioned someone's
address. Without wasting any time, I put it in my bag and came out of the
house. After coming out I stopped for a while, a thought came into my mind
whether I'm doing right or not, but my rent has been paid and I haven't any
other option now. So I hired a taxi and headed towards the destination. I
stopped the taxi a little before the destination because I didn't want the taxi
driver to know where I'm going. When the taxi driver returned and disappeared
then I moved towards the building where I was to drop the packet. I stopped to
reach in front of the house. I was very nervous but I had the courage and rang
a bell. I put the packet in front of the door and moved back. I saw from the
corner of the street a man came out of the house, saw around, picked a packet,
and went inside. I breathe in harmony. I glanced at my wristwatch and it was
11:30 am. Then I moved back quickly. A bell rang on my cell when I
reached home. Hammad was on call, I picked it, and “Hello" he sudden
replied, "well-done! your first job was very good. You'll receive your money
soon. Best of luck for your next job."
After that, I did this continuously, and afterward, I became part of the gang. First, I left my colony and shifted to a posh area. Gradually I did progress more and more, but on the other hand, I became suspect in the eyes of the police. So I left my city with my family. My siblings didn't know about the illegal work I told them I do a business of garments. Then our gang got more progress and we started work outside of the country. I began to move outside of the country. Police and secret service agencies were chasing us and trying a lot to catch us. But we had become very strong because of many strong personalities like politicians, businessmen and other strong people with us. But one day I went to Nepal for a huge deal. Our meeting was held at a seashore at night, and many drug dealers were there. Suddenly we were raided by the police. Some of us succeeded in running but I was caught. Now I'm going to our country back in police custody on the airplane. The airplane has taken off, a few hours later I would be in my country in jail. I thought about my past when I chose this work, whether my decision was right or not. If I didn't do this then where did we go? What did we do? I glanced at my handcuffs and I leaned back my head against the seat, closing my eyes.
Sometimes life takes you from where to where.
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