Drizzling Of Love

Drizzling Of Love


Characters: Four Boys

Scene: Morning: Out Door

(There is a morning time of almost 10 or 11 am. Clear winter sunlight is spread in the garden. There are several rows of plants and trees. A very few people are in the garden at this time. Some are perched on the benches of cement and a few are on the green grass. At one corner two boys are additionally sitting on the grass. In front of them, two bags and an open book is lying. Two large notebooks are in their lapses and they are writing something leaning on them. A cigarette pack is lying on the ground near them and Two mobile phones are likewise lying alongside it. (Mobiles are not smartphones or touch phones but there are old phones with buttons) Music is playing on one mobile at a very low volume. Both boys have worn college uniforms. )


First: Stop dude, it's enough, I'm tired. Now we should take a rest for ten minutes. And please off the songs for a while. ( He lays on the grass, straighten the legs)


Second: (switched off the songs) yes, dude, should take a rest for a while, Will start again after taking some puffs. okay. Light up the cigarette. (He also lies down)


First: you light it up, cigarette pack is close to you.


Second: No, my friend, I'm so tired, you light it up.


First: I said the pack is close to you, now burn it for yourself and me also.


Second: ( throws the cigarette pack towards him)

So, it is now closed to you. Now burn it and give me one also.


First: ( tosses the lighter towards the second which lies near him) but the lighter is near to you so…


Second: Okay, I'll light it up.


(Then he took out two cigarettes from the cigarette pack, one gives to the other and one keeps with him. The second one lights up his cigarette and throws the lighter towards him. He also burns the cigarette. Then a cell bell rings, second attends the call)


Second: ( on the call) yes, yes,…we are sitting here. Okay, okay. Come, come. (Disconnects the call.)


First: who was?


Second: Furqan is coming.


First: okay.


(Then they drag cigarettes for a couple of seconds and the first one asked)


First: How many days are left in the final terms?


Second: I think seventeen or eighteen days are left.


First: goodness, therefore we have very little time for preparation. We should raise our speed.


Second: yes, we ought to. So from today, we will concentrate more.


They are talking with each other, then two boys who are also wearing college uniforms approach them.


Third & Fourth together: How are you?


Both: (both boys sit up and handshakes to them) alright.


(Now both new boys also sit).


Fourth: Dude, why are you not sitting on college ground? Why do you come here to the park?


First: actually, my friend, there are so many rushes in the college. One cannot study there comfortably. Furthermore, another problem is that if any teacher comes and asks, do you have a free period? So it’s hard to explain them.


Second: No doubt, and we can't smoke there as well. You know very well, the study creates much stress so without a cigarette cannot be studied. I figure smoking should be allowed at least on the college grounds.


First: truly, I concur with you. Now see, how much we did a study here in the park (shows them his notebook) If we would sit in the college we could not do much work like this.


Fourth boy: (he sees the notebook, there are just six lines written there. These are six steps of a  math question.) Wow, buddy, really you did so much work. You solved six steps. You have almost solved one question, just two steps are left. I think one and half hour has passed to come here and you wrote six lines. Indeed, dude, you're right, it can be done much work here rather than college.


Third: Yes, yes, we could write just two steps if we were in college at this time.


Second: No, if we were in college we would still have books out of our bags.


Fourth: So I decided, from tomorrow I'll join you. We'll study here together after all just a few days are left for our final exams. We should study attentively without any interruption.


First: Why tomorrow? Why not from today?


Fourth: No man, today I'll observe the environment here, Will know the place properly then will start tomorrow.


Second: alright. So because you are our guest today, we'll also not study today. We'll do your hospitality today.


Third: Definitely, this is right. So start your hospitality with the cigarette.


First: Sure, sure why not. (Gives them cigarettes one by one.)


Fourth: Well dude, there is a problem, It is difficult to jump the wall of the college daily. Truly, it's very awkward.


Second: oh, you come out to jump the wall?


Fourth: yes, so what is the other option?


First: we come out daily through the gate.


Third: Through the main gate? ( ask surprisingly).


First: yeah, my dear through the main gate.


Fourth: but how is it possible, how do security guards allow you?


Second: O, he… he is our own man. We give him two cigarettes daily, sometimes give him a full pack, and sometimes do his bit of work so he becomes happy.


Fourth: it's good.


Third: But my buddy, we have very little attendance and it can create a problem at the end of the session.


Fourth: can it be? It has already created a problem for you. ( says with giggling)


First: Why? What happened?


Third: Nothing Dude, today my economics teacher kicked me out of class.


Second: But why?


Third: I asked him a silly question.


Second: Which question?


Third: I asked him, "Sir if one did more than ten leaves in a month but college just allows two or three leaves, so according to economics this process would be called inflation or deflation"?


(They all laughs loudly)


Fourth: by the way, seriously we have very little attendance so the problem can occur.


Second: Don't worry dude, last time we had very little attendance then a clerk did help us. We just gave him a small gift in return.


Fourth: okay. This is also good.


Third: Well, did you listen, Hassan was telling us that there are a lot of girls in their college.


First: So what? Girls are also in our college.


Third: Yes, but just five or six girls throughout our college and they are even in the senior class.


Fourth: But even if they are, whether their number is small.


Third: So what happens with that? Bro my philosophy is that girls are beautiful and more.


Second: well, leave, Let's all tell what kind of girl you want. I mean tell me about your ideal?


First: I don't have any ideal.


Second: But you must have thought of something.


First: huh… ( thinking for a while) well, I just want a normal person. I mean, I think, the ideal is not found anywhere in the world. I just want a normal person like me, like you, and like every person around us...


 (A bell rings on the cell)


Third: (on the phone) yes… oh no…(seems worried) really…when…now…okay. ( disconnects the phone)


Second: What happened?


Third: Hassan was on the call, he was saying principal sir has found out that some students escape daily from the college and sit in the front park and they are coming here to examine.


First: Goodness, run quickly. (says almost yelling).


They all pick up their stuff and run.

















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